
Justin Amorratanasuchad

A good friend of mine, Justin Amorratanasuchad passed away on April 17th in Boston while filming one of his movies. He was an incredibly creative guy, with a talent for skateboarding and film-making.

His memory lives on in hundreds of friends who loved him for his jokes, kindness and fun-loving attitude.

rest in peace


SolidWorks Model

These are some recent renderings I did of a New Balance running shoe I built in my SolidWorks 2 class. For those more familiar with the program, the model was built using only surfacing tools. Enjoy


2011 Portfolio

Design Portfolio 2011

Transportation Update

Here are some photos of more recent motorcycle design work. I am continuing to fine-tune my concept and adjust design specifics, but have settled on a name: The Mutt, due to it's shared dirt and sport bike qualities. The final image is of the small scale wire model I recently completed.